Fighting against the causes of female foeticide

 Female foeticide has escalated with the advancement in science and technology. Numerous up-to-date techniques provide the option of selecting the sex of the foetus. It is important that we work towards the prevention of female foeticide. The execution of the Pre-conception and Pre- Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act of 1994 (PC & PNDT Act) has seen a reduction in the female foeticide statistics, but we still have a long way to go!

Listed below are the causes of female foeticide; the enumerated points will help us understand the gaps which will need to be filled in order to banish this evil from the roots of our society.  

A) The desire to conceive a male child.
Many families still consider the male child to be an asset, who as an adult will continue to financially empower the family. This is one of the most common causes of female foeticide.

B) It is believed that a girl cannot carry a family's lineage.
In our society, the practice of changing the girls last name to her husband's family name is yet another reason why families, even today, prefer a male child over a girl child; the regressiveness of these thoughts need to be jolted.

C) Misuse of Ultrasound Technology.
Unfortunately, many IVF specialists misuse this technology to check the sex and notify the families of the results. It is the responsibility of the doctor and the medical staff to conduct their duty following all the laws of the land.

D) The belief that girls are the weaker sex.
Women are believed to be the weaker sex because they cannot fend for themselves in the face of a crisis or a situational emergency. Families are afraid of birthing a girl child because of the situations she may find herself in later in life.

E) Dowry System
One of the leading causes of female foeticide is the dowry system. A tradition that has been misunderstood, misused and misconstrued, the dowry system has been the leading cause of many atrocities that women face.

F) Lack of Education.
Illiteracy is one of the core causes of female foeticide; countries or regions where the illiteracy rate is high continues to see an imbalanced sex ratio.

We can begin the prevention of female foeticide plainly by raising awareness through education by associating with NGOs that work towards abolishing this practice. The focus needs to be in rural areas where this practice is still rampant. Save the Children stands as one of the most celebrated foundations that have tirelessly worked to curb this ill act and banish it. Child help foundations like these have ensured that all children, no matter who they are, have a right to lead a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Save the Children was founded in 1919 with a vision – ‘Build a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development, and participation.’

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