Fighting COVID, together.

 The current pandemic has evoked a humanitarian response from all of us, be it our family, immediate neighbours, or fellow countrymen. The effects that this pandemic has had on our lives has been far-fetching and deeply personal. However, this scenario has affected certain segments of the populace more than the others. Therefore, it becomes a personal responsibility to ensure not just the survival of those in dire situations but also their general well-being. It is a common belief, among many people, that it takes monies in forms of gifts and donations to make a difference; the reality is, however, far from that. A simple act of becoming an NGO volunteer can also make the desired difference.


Volunteering is an unpaid activity, where you give your time to help a charitable organization or an individual you are not related to. The act of volunteering has its impact on the community, which allows you to make it a better place. It also benefits you by helping you make new friends, grow your network, and boost your social skills. The current scenario demands us to take action at personal levels, but an opportunity to channelize a collective effort for the betterment of those who are less fortunate can also be highly effective. This is where the role of NGO in COVID 19 response plays a critical role. 


NGOs are able to channelize better the efforts of several NGO volunteers to accomplish a particular goal. One such NGO that has been a forerunner is Save the Children, who with the help of volunteers have been to provide some relief to families and children affected by the virus along with those who are most susceptible to it. With the help of NGO volunteers, working on the ground level, Save the Children is building a child-centric response and standing in unison with families who are struggling to survive amidst the COVID-19 crisis. 


As they continue to play an active role in helping our community, we must also join their endeavour to reach a larger base of underprivileged families and other vulnerable sections of society. The more the number of volunteers that team up for this cause, the more they will achieve their goals. Through the efforts of countless volunteers, lakhs of people were reached out to with food, basic hygiene kits, etc. They have also ensured the broadcasting of sanitization messages, the safety of children, and much more. 


Come, volunteer for NGO and join the movement!


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