End all harm towards children

The World Health Organization characterizes child abuse and child maltreatment as "All forms of physical or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power. "It is deplorable that child abuse continues to take place in several cultural, racial, and income groups that could result in injury to the child or death. 
Fortunately, now, the issue of child abuse is slowly becoming a more acknowledged issue. We, in our capacity, can contribute to child abuse prevention in the following ways: 

A) Being a nurturing parent always helps the child understand that they are loved and cared for. This also makes it easier for them to approach parents in case of any predicament. 

B) By being a helpful friend, neighbor, or relative, one must offer to responsibly take care of children in times of need, especially when the child’s parents are unable to do so. 

C) Involving community leaders, religious leaders and servers, schools, and other such entities to develop services that meet the need for healthy children and families.

D) Schools should be promoting mandatory programmes to teach children, parents, and teachers about child abuse prevention strategies.

E) Monitoring a child's television, video, and internet viewing/usage should be done regularly; watching violent films, TV programs, and videos can harm young children.

F) Volunteering at a local child abuse prevention program.

G) Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. If you have any reason to suppose a child has been or could be harmed, you must call your local department of children and family services or get in touch with the local police department.

One can initiate help towards child abuse prevention by donating to NGOs like Save the Children that have been tirelessly serving children who have been abused by providing rehabilitation. Various services and programmes are conducted all over India by engaging parents, teachers, communities, and even children generating awareness about multiple forms of abuse. It has extensive experience in partnering with civil society organizations, child-led initiatives, governments, and other vital stakeholders to stop all forms of violence against children.
Join the fight against child abuse today; you could save a child’s life!


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