Problem of child labor and information on child labour in India
Child labour refers to the employment of
children below the legal age in any form of work that deprives them of their
childhood and poses an obstacle to their education, growth, and development.
The practice of engaging a child in child labour significantly hampers the
physical and mental development of a child. Through the child labour
information available, the practice of child labour may prove too physically,
mentally, and socially dangerous.
Worldwide, there are millions of children
engaged in child labour who continue to be exploited daily. The current
scenario of child labour is made direr by the fact there is minimal child
labour information available. Child labour occurs as a direct consequence of
the economic exploitation of children worldwide. While child labour around the
world has declined by more than a third in the last 15 years, it remains a
severe challenge and barrier to the well-being of children.
According to the
child labour information made available by the International
Labour Organisation, there are still millions of children employed as child
labourers worldwide. In India, millions of children are still exploited for cheap
labour. As per child labour information available in India, there are still
approximately 13 million children employed as labourers across various sectors
in India. Since these children are denied access to the nutrition and education
they need to be healthy and successful in life, they are often trapped in a
cycle of poverty and debt.
Child labourers are employed in the fields of
agriculture, industry, human trafficking and other such areas. Child labour
information dictates that child labour causes children a great deal of
physical, emotional and psychological distress. In India, the practice of child
labour is widespread and most prevalent in states such as Punjab, Haryana,
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar etc.
Save the Children is
an international NGO that strives to protect the rights of all children across
the globe. This NGO undertakes its social welfare schemes in 80 countries
around the world. Since 2008, Save the Children has carried out multiple social
programmes in India that have completely transformed the lives of over 10
million children. Save the Children strives to create awareness on the issue of
child labour information to make sure that parents, teachers, and students are
all aware of the dangers of child labour. Poverty and illiteracy are among the
root cause of child labour in India.
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