The Terrors and Traumas of Child Abuse

Child abuse, and predominantly, mental and emotional is a persisting menace that needs to be addressed immediately .With numerous cases of abuse and neglect coming to light, it is imperative to also be aware of the many effects that abuse has on children. The lasting trauma can affect every aspect of the child’s life along with all the people they are associated with. 

Here are some of the obvious signs of child abuse that can be easily identified:

Difficulty in communicating and forming relationships

Children and infants who have been exposed to neglect or abuse of any kind are often unable to communicate or form attachments with their primary caregivers. The ability to form healthy relationships with others is severely affected among children who have suffered child abuse. This includes not only their acquaintances and friends but also their immediate family and loved ones.

Mental health issues

The effects of child abuse can be clearly seen in children who grow up with  mental health concerns such as, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. These conditions are constantly linked with child abuse and can have devastating effects in the long run. Existing data suggests that children who have been through abuse are three times more prone to showing signs of depression than others.

Suicidal tendencies

Suicides have been on the rise lately with mental abuse being the most common cause. With the number of young people committing suicide increasing at a rapid pace, championing and supporting mental health awareness is crucial. Apart from mental abuse other forms like physical and emotional abuse, too have proven to be major causes leading to attempted suicide. 

Succumbing to alcohol and substance abuse

Research suggests that almost every case of substance abuse can be linked to an abusive childhood. These substances could be anything, from tobacco and alcohol to drugs that induce a false sense of comfort and distance from reality. Compared to the number of non-abused children who are in the habit of taking drugs, the number of abused children taking drugs is significantly high.

While the above-mentioned factors are some of the signs that are common and visible, there are many other serious manifestations of child abuse such as behavioural issues, health problems, homelessness and involvement in crime which need to be recognised and addressed.


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