
Showing posts from June, 2020

End all harm towards children

The World Health Organization characterizes child abuse and child maltreatment as "All forms of physical or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power. "It is deplorable that child abuse continues to take place in several cultural, racial, and income groups that could result in injury to the child or death.  Fortunately, now, the issue of child abuse is slowly becoming a more acknowledged issue. We, in our capacity, can contribute to   child abuse prevention in the following ways:  A) Being a nurturing parent always helps the child understand that they are loved and cared for. This also makes it easier for them to approach parents in case of any predicament.  B) By being a helpful friend, neighbor, or relative, one must offer to...

Importance of the education of street children in breaking down the poverty in India

Every child has the right to education.  A challenging scenario for adults, street life is a deadlier struggle for children. Living within the city, they are unable to enjoy the comforts of urban life; moreover, they barely have access to necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. The primary cause of the increase in the number of street children in severe poverty. These poverty-ridden families procreate to add more hands that can supplement their existence financially through begging or engaging in some form of labour. They cannot comprehend that this conviction lurches them further into the clutches of poverty; while they continue to believe otherwise.  Education of street children in India  thus becomes crucial in breaking the poverty trap! Children on the streets are kept away from educational opportunities because their parents are unaware of its benefits; however, various non-governmental organizations have made significant efforts to redress this problem. ...