
Showing posts from July, 2019

Don’t miss out on donation tax exemption.

Donating to charity is a generous act. It is an admirable thing to financially support a cause that one believes in and to do your bit for society. In order to encourage these noble gestures, the government has also extended its support towards charitable services. The section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act allows a provision for tax deductions made on donations to any charitable organization. This ensures that generous donors can avail donation tax exemption .   Since 2008, Save the Children has positively enriched the lives of millions of children in India. Through our consistent efforts, we have successfully provided underprivileged children with access to education, healthcare and protection from harm. Save the Children runs around 75 projects across 19 states in India.   We are grateful for the financial support provided by our donors, and run on the donations we receive from them. These donations go a long way towards positively impacting the lives of vulnera...

The traumatic effects of child abuse.

Child abuse is deliberate harm or maltreatment of a child by a person, who may be their parents, relative, guardian, teacher, or even a child themselves. Child abuse can take place in homes, schools, organizations, and communities. It includes all forms of physical, sexual, psychological or emotional ill-treatment. The effects of child abuse are likely to cause harm to a child's safety, well-being, dignity, and development.   Physical abuse involves the use of violent physical force to cause any physical injury or suffering to a child. Emotional or psychological abuse includes humiliating and degrading treatments, such as name calling, constant criticism, belittling, persistent shaming, solitary confinement, and isolation. Sexual abuse includes all forms of sexual violence including incest, early and forced marriage, rape, involvement in pornography, and sexual slavery. Child sexual abuse also includes indecent touching or exposure, using sexually explicit language t...

The ‘Beti bachao beti padhao’ campaign

The ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ initiative was launched by Prime Minister Modi on January 22, 2015, in Haryana. Translating into ‘Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child’, this program aimed to give young girls access to large-scale welfare services. It was devised to give the girl child access to survival, safety, and education while celebrating the girl child in an effort to fight India’s deep-rooted gender bias towards women. ‘ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana ’ is India’s most high profile and widespread campaign to empower the girl child. It is a program being run jointly by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. As per the census data of 2001, the child sex ratio in India (0-6 years) was a mere 927 girls per 1000 boys. This further declined in 2011 to a staggering 918 girls for every 1,000 boys. Addressing and improving this dwindling CSR is one of the principal intentions of this...