
Showing posts from August, 2020

Measures of prevention to stop child labour

  Child labour is a thief that robs children of their right to a simple, healthy, and happy childhood. Do your bit to banish child labour by making informed decisions and spreading awareness.  Eradication of child labour  starts with each one of us.    A) Begin with yourself Take an oath never to employ a child to do any work for yourself; remind yourself that it is illegal to do so. Refrain from employing children to clean your house, take care of your children, do household chores, or wash your car. Employ poor adults, instead, who are in need of employment to sustain their families.    B) Consume consciously  Be it clothing, food, jewellery or any other product that you consume, ask the producers, retailers, manufacturers, and shopkeepers if their brand is devoid of child labour. Even though the supply chain has many segmented layers, and the seller may not be aware of the situation, your question has made him aware, and your consci...