
Showing posts from November, 2019

NGO Volunteering for underprivileged children in India

Save the Children is one of India’s most trusted NGOs for children’s rights. Since 2008, Save the Children has positively enriched the lives of more than 10 million children all across the country. This NGO volunteer for the underprivileged children, and are able to carry out their work dedicatedly, thanks to the support of their generous donors, corporate partners, and various other civil bodies. There are millions of underprivileged children in India that experience some of the most difficult living conditions on the planet. These disadvantaged children have to deal with various issues such as child labour, child sexual abuse, child marriage, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, etc. These social evils and unfortunate circumstances end up robbing children of the opportunities they need in order to build better futures for themselves. Millions of children therefore sadly lose out on the chance to become independent and successful adults. NGOs like Save the Children work tirelessly to i...

The issue of child labour in India: Why is it such a big deal?

Child labour refers to the practice of employing children below the age of 18 in any form of paid work. According to the 2011 Census, India is home to approximately 82 lakh child labourers under the age of 14. These unfortunate children are forced to sacrifice their childhood in order to earn a living. They have to spend their formative years engaging in labour instead. All children should be entitled to a safe and happy childhood. They deserve access to adequate nutrition, education, and healthcare. The issue of child labour is a widespread one in India. Being engaged in child labour not only corrupts the childhood of children but also takes away from them the opportunity to learn and grow. The issue of child labour is that it impacts the physical, mental and psychological well being of children. Various studies have shown that children engaged in child labour, ultimately grow up to suffer from numerous health issues. There are millions of children who are engaged in hazardous l...

Donation Tax Exemption - Under Section 80G.

Save the Children is one of India’s most trusted NGOs, advocating for the rights of children since 2008.Over the years, they have positively transformed the lives of over 10 million children in India. This organisation is able to carry out its social operations thanks to the generous support of its various donors, corporate partners,government bodies and institutional supporters. NGOs are often able to carry out their social work activities due to the donation they receive from people. Donations made to NGOs are eligible for donation tax exemption.These donations are crucial to NGOs as they allow them to carry out their social outreach programmes.  The Income Tax Act of 1961 creates a provision for tax benefits, on the donations made to charitable organisations under Section 80 (G).In order to claim this tax rebate, the donation must be cited at the time of filing the annual Income Tax Return. It must be noted that 100% tax exemption on donations can only be made on donations...